Momentum is building across Canada and in ALBERTA for a national school food program!
Alberta Food Matters (AFM) will be the main connection for CHSF and other food groups in the province. AFM has a wide variety of stakeholders throughout the province who are passionate about connecting our producers with those who want to see food security and food sovereignty in our province. AFM joins CHSF in seeking federal investment in a universal healthy school food program to support the health, well-being and education of all Canadian children.
In Alberta, the new provincial government has just confirmed a renewed commitment to funding a school meal program for 30,000 students. These programs are run at a classroom, school or school district level and have no strict guidelines for healthy or for local food procurement. This unregulated programming does not meet the needs of all students. We need the development of national standards, as well as significant investment from federal, provincial and municipal governments and collaboration between stakeholder groups to create a universal program for all children and youth.
CHSF's Alberta Chapter seek to engage in dialogue, share resources, and collaborate on collective advocacy, research and pilot projects. Together, we can help secure a brighter future for our children through a universal healthy school food program.
For more information, contact Wanda Laurin (AFM President), or Susan Roberts (past president) or reach any of our board members on our website or by phone at 780-625-6309.
Who are your political representatives in AB?
Coalition's Very Own Frequently Asked Questions
[Webinar] Building Momentum for a National School Food Program!
Our partners
Alberta Food Matters has a wide array of partners from teachers to dieticians to universities. We have a monthly newsletter and a very active list-serv bringing news to partners about what is happening in the province and across the country. Many national organizations also work on school food in Alberta.